There’s been lots going on in the training department this last couple of months.
We’ve had Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint & Access at varying levels, and lots of takers to attend.
We’ve also had fire-fighting equipment training at Charles Tennant Cork and at Airport Road West, where staff were introduced to the relevant legislation and shown a video on how to correctly approach a fire situation. Then it was outside to the live fire rig and the opportunity to use the different types of extinguishers.
(NB: It was pointed out that some of the attendees were NOT potential NIFRS candidates!!)
The operators at Herdman Channel Road also got in on the act with gantry training, specifically designed to keep them safe while working at height on the gantry.
While the team at Bitumen also ticked the working at heights box this quarter, along with CPC Driver renewals.
The training program, as always, is ongoing and we’ll continue to develop and adapt it. Thanks to all who have taken part for your cooperation and enthusiasm and we hope that you find your courses useful.